• Our story

    “7 years ago, I faced a significant setback, a major shoulder injury that left me sidelined for 4 months. Those months tested me to the very core, pushing me beyond my limits both physically and emotionally. I began dedicating my mornings to painful physiotherapy sessions, my afternoons to intense strengthening exercises, and the hours in between fighting through traffic. Needless to say I also became the mediator between my Dr and my personal trainer as they were in no way connected. 2 months into my rehab, I had a lightbulb moment. How can I look at the glass half full? How can I be that source of inspiration to every injured athlete who was probably giving up on pursuing sports as a career? 

    Thought 1: Every day was a new day. Yesterday’s pain was today’s strength and through that mentality I was able to push my body and give it everything it needed to get me back on court stronger than i ever was 

    Thought 2: Use my life problem to create someone else’s solution by developing the first rehab center in Beirut, combining physiotherapy & personal training under the same roof.

    And with these 2 thoughts came about The Revive Hub. This was my revival, ready for yours? 

    Wael Arakji